hopeless pedagogy, pedagogy of the future, fundamentalismAbstract
A view of pedagogy, at least in several possible contexts, is undoubtedly related to the sense of some states and the experience of those who are active creators of this discipline, the researchers or clients. The author suggests considering three aspects of the functioning of pedagogy in the academic field, the first two of which, lead to its relative «disability», destruction or anomaly with some negative consequences of the process. The similarity of the conditions of scientific work and the academic views of educators does not provide automatic cooperation in the last of the proposed dimen- sions of pedagogy – the pedagogy of hope or hope associated with pedagogy.
If we do not consider science as a professional, social, cultural and historical mission, with giving politicians and business representatives all the power to make decisions, we will cut the branches of the tree of generations, instead of promoting our achievements. The time has come to get up from knees, to create a new identity with usefulness for both scientific pedagogy and practice. It is possible that we should even change the language of communication with the out- side world, preserving it in its structures and studying its tightness, highly specialized diversity. For example, if we want to write about social phenomena, we should present the widest possible approach to the topic: philosophy, anthropology, psychology – everything that can affect this issue. We are not able to carry out certain research in one or another field without careful study of the existing literature. Despite the fact that there are blurring boundaries in the field of humani- ties and social sciences as a result of interdisciplinary research, however, none of the positivist period selected scientific disciplines renounce its own identity. On the contrary, it tries to show a special contribution by metaphorizing the world of education.
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