integrated valuation, labour economics, level of professional training, personnel management, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
The paper devoted to the problem of integrated valuation of professionally important qualities formation index for undergraduate students in the field of «Personnel management and labour economics». The group of undergraduate students (bachelors of science) at the «Personnel management and labour economics» institute department were selected to carry out investigation of professionally important qualities formation index. The selected experts at the institute like professors, student’s operation supervisor were involved in the current investigation. The basic components of profession- ally important qualities formation for the students in the field «Personnel management and labour economics» were determined in the presented research. The current investigation consists of few stages. On the first stage the level of test significance – content group of professionally important qualities were determined. On the second stage the investigation the faculty members estimate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the undergraduate students.
On the third stage the student’s operation supervisors estimate the level of practical skills directly on the enterprises and companies the place of students practices. The algorithm for performance of integrated valuation which includes valuation from faculty members and student’s operation supervisors has been determined. Implementation of integrated valuation into the routine of institution process permits to take account of the employer needs related with profession- ally important qualities of undergraduate students. Realization of the integrated valuation of professionally important qualities once a year permits estimate the students’ knowledge and practical skills level and correct variation component of training program. Proposed method of integrated valuation could be applied to the estimation of educational process efficiency.
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