value, value orientations of students, higher education, civic activityAbstract
The article describes the concept of «value», «value orientations»; a generalized classification of values is given. Based on the results of national opinion polls, the priority basic values of Ukrainian youth have been identified. The article shows their attitude to the current political and socio-economic situation in the country, the acute problems of society. Besides, the level of their public activity is outlined.
The role of education as one of the dominant factors in the formation of universal and civic values of the individual ir revealed. Moreover, the article shows the problem of education of students as a component of the educational process in higher education institutions. Furthermore, it sheds the light on the decisive role of social and humanitarian disciplines in education of active civil position of students. Finally, the main teaching methods that contribute to the moral, ethical and civic development of students are identified.
It is concluded that on the basis of knowledge acquired in higher education and acquired competencies, a young person develops his values of the world, a conscious perception of the processes of state formation, an adequate attitude to current socio- political events.
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