adult education, corporate education, education, formal education, non- formal education, prerequisites, regulatory supportAbstract
The article represents an overview and substantiation of the peculiarities of the formation and development of corporate education in Poland in the second half of the 20th - early 21th century. The definition of ‘corporate education’ in the context of adult education is clarified in the text. The importance of the experience of corporate education of the Republic of Poland as a component of adult education for the Ukrainian education system was noted. The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of the peculiarities of the formation and development of corporate education in Poland in the second half of the 20th – early 21th century. It was found that during the existence of the People’s Republic of Poland (1952–1989) no special legislation and regulations on the organization of corporate education were adopted in the country. The problems of formation of corporate education, which have been being solved by the People’s Republic of Poland in the 50-70s of the last century were singled out. In the article was proven the importance of the adoption of the Labor Code (1974), the Employment Act (1989), The Law On the Education System (1991), the Act on Employment and Social Protection in case of Unemployment (1994), the document «Continuing Education Strategy till 2010»; (2003). The following features of formation and development of corporate education in Poland in the second half of the 20th – early 21th century are established as: the centralizing the management of educational institutions and ideologically biased content of education; the transition from the administrative-command method in the management of formal education institutions; the spread of the decentralization of education; laying the foundation for the democratization of corporate education in Poland; the emergence of a regulatory framework for broad autonomy of informal corporate education; the adapting the legal framework of education to European Union standards; the integration of Polish corporate education into the European Community.
In the future, it is necessary to study the trends of updating the content, forms and methods of vocational training of adults, taking into account the requirements of international standards for training competitive professionals for the global labor market.
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