art pedagogy; Borys Grinchenko’s works; business game; cinquain; storytelling; Ukrainian culture.Abstract
The article considers innovative forms of work (business game, syncvein and storytelling) with students of art specialties, introduced in order to deeply analyze the historical role of the personality and work of prominent Ukrainian writer, scientist and teacher Borys Grinchenko. The figurative and stylistic specifics of the artist’s poetry in the context of his epoch are characterized. The romantic essence of his work is determined, in which the features typical for the romantic worldview are organically combined: sensuality, national characteristics and patriotic spirit. The importance of knowledge of Grinchenko’s themes in the formation of national-patriotic worldview of students, the development of their professional, creative, analytical and moral and ethical qualities is noted. Cultural and artistic events in honour of B. Grinchenko in terms of the introduction of these innovative forms. Based on the analysis of these forms, the multilevel nature of students’ understanding of the artistic meaning of the writer’s work, his historical figure, as well as musical works written on the texts of B. Grinchenko was revealed. It is shown that the studied forms optimally combine the cognitive, analytical, musical-performing, psycho-emotional levels of comprehension of this art object. It has been proved that the successful implementation of the business game, syncvein competition and storytelling during the events in honour of B. Grinchenko united students around common national and artistic values, contributed to the discovery of unknown facets of the writer’s artistic heritage, inspired new forms of student creativity.
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