art education; cross-cultural communication; cultural matrix of the nation; information security; large-scale aggression of the russian federation; metanarrative; mental expansion; «meaning-making»; narrative; national security.Abstract
The article analyzes new trends in the transformation of narratives in the sphere of culture and education under the influence of threats to Ukraine's national security. On the example of a gunner's song «In the meadow there is red guilder rose» the peculiarities of the communicative nature of the art of modern society, which clearly manifested itself during the Russian military aggression, which affects the formation of new doctrines of art education in Ukraine, are substantiated. The genesis of a gunner's song «In the meadow there is red guilder rose» is done, within the framework of which the trends of changing the interpretation of a musical work are illustrated. It is noted that art and culture have become one of the main tools of the hybrid war during the geopolitical confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, which takes place not only militarily, but also at the level of metanarratives that affect the processes of self-identification of the individual within the framework of the information-mental war. The markers of the imperial aggressive «humanitarian policy» of the Russian Federation, which influence the aggressive mental expansion on the territory of Ukraine, are considered. The transformations of classical art as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war are analyzed as a driving force for the further reform of art education in Ukraine. The article emphasizes that art education in Ukraine is a priority goal of the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine, calculated until 2025.
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