competence, educational seekers, municipal solid waste management and treatmentAbstract
The article presents the educational component overview of the solid waste management and treatment system. The need for education in this area is caused by the crisis environmental situation in Ukraine and significant reforms in the legislative and regulatory sphere of waste management. The result of the educational process is the acquisition of relevant competences, in particular, in matters of municipal solid waste management and treatment.
The peculiarities of competence formation in the area of municipal solid waste management and treatment according to the updated list of the European Union countries key competences are outlined in paper. The process of competence formation begins with the knowledge and skills acquisition, on the basis of which the way of thinking is formed. The system model of environmental situation formation and the importance of personal contribution to the municipal solid waste problem solution are the basic foundation in teaching and mastering of this topic. Municipal solid waste education should be permanent and cover all categories of recipients - from citizens to professionals with a gradual increase in environmental competence and maturity. The paper presents the experience of the Odessa State Environmental University on education in the municipal solid waste management and treatment area. All types of education are implemented at the university: formal, non-formal and informal, involving all categories of educational recipients. The main subject of the educational process is the lecture interacting with other groups of educational seekers. This leads to the need for continuous teacher education, which is realized through participation in researches, conferences, seminars, trainings and, most importantly, through practical experience.
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