crisis, crisis intervention, family, parenting, parenting issuesAbstract
In the article much attention is paid to issues of appropriate education. Appropriate upbringing means the proper human socialization. Some factors may interfere the upbringing process. These factors can cause adverse changes in human behavior. Improper behavior affects the relationships with family and community.
Investigatedthe most common caretaker in parenting is the biological parent of the child in question, although oth- ers may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member, or a family friend.
Governments and society may have a role in child-rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. Others may beadopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an or- phanage. Parenting skills vary, and a parent with good parenting skills may be referred to as a good parent.
Focused on the fact socialization of the child is done by the parents and all who are in contact with the child.
Socialization is carried out by various methods of upbringing as observation, imitation, punishments and rewards, and more. A child who observes the people important to him – imitates their habits. Respect for the rights of the child and the assignment of responsibilities – is necessary. This is essential because it introduces the child to the world of precepts, prohibitions, privileges and rights.
The article clarified – parenting takes a lot of skill and patience and is constant work and growth. Research shows that children benefit most when their parents: communicate honestly about events or discussions that have happened, and when parents explain clearly to children what happened and how they were involved if they were;stay consistent, as children need structure: parents who have regular routines benefits children incredibly;utilize resources available to them, reaching out into the community;take more interest in their child’s educational needs and early development; andkeep open communication and staying educated on what their child is learning and doing and how it is affecting them.Parenting skills are often assumed to be self-evident or naturally present in parents.
The conclusion about violations of children’s rights and the lack of responsibility of the child - may distort his morale and social attitudes. This implies a great need to educate parents in this regard.
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