acmeology, lifelong education, professional training, professional acme, phenomenonAbstract
In the article the concept of «lifelong education» was analyzed as well as its main characteristics and features. The composition (formal, unformal, informal education) was specificated and lifelong education system was characterized.
The professional’s acmeological characteristics were analyzed together with one’s «acme» conditions of formation, devel- opment and achievement. The phenomenology of lifelong professional education was found and the qualitative charac- teristics of one’s development in the educational system in the process of training within the higher education institution were identified as well as conditions of future specialist’s acme-competency potential development. Acme in professional development is defined as the highest level for a certain person in his professional development at a certain stage of life’s journey, which is manifested in the maximum mobilization, implementation of one’s professional abilities, possibilities and reserves. Professional acme may have varying degrees of social and personal significance.
While passing the professional way a person acquires a certain experience, grows both personally and spiritually, and seeks to achieve one’s acme. There are some qualitative characteristics of person’s development in the educational system such as: maturity (educational, social, professional, personal, age-connected); professionalism; integrity; success; high motivation to gain either achievement or self-improvement; performance. The professional’s success and one’s self- realization are to be complimented with over-personal goals, objectives and needs of society. In nowadays labor market the continuous improvement of the specialist’s professional competence is not only a guarantee of its employment, but also the way to reach the acme as a top of professional excellence.
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