ethics, ethical component of education, standards of higher education, criteria of morality, university educationAbstract
The authors actualize the expediency of studying worldview and axiological disciplines, especially ethics, in the system of higher education, appealing both to specific value challenges of nowadays and to the goals of the system of education and holistic personality formation, which are embedded in the idea of university education in general.
Based on the analysis of the European discourse on the importance of studying ethics by students of different specialties, it is stated that in the Ukrainian realities disciplines designed to form moral decision-making skills (in interpersonal and professional context of communication) are intensively disappearing from the curriculum of many educational programs. Understanding the urgent need to involve students in a meaningful analysis of moral criteria, as well as to study the basics of corporate and professional ethics, the authors substantiate both conceptual and methodological justification for more active return / introduction of the ethical component in educational programs of humanities and natural sciences. The analysis also takes into account the competencies that are programmed by the higher education standards of a number of specialties approved in Ukraine.
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