consultant, cultural difference, discussion session, pre-adaptation measure, responding to the past, the host side, thematic directionAbstract
The article analyzes the programs of educational and cultural nature, which are used in the practical activities of American higher educational institutions during the foreign students’ adaptive training. The aim of the article is to study these programs to formulate a potential direction for the development of the system of foreign students’ adaptive training in the HEIs of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the cultural training of representatives of other countries is an important component of the formation of competence of interpersonal interaction. However, the most effective is to use the cultural and educational programs simultaneously, which will allow to perform a rapid transition from the theoretical component to the practical and vice versa.
The areas of educational and cultural nature that should be implemented to the Ukrainian educational space of foreign students’ adaptive training are picked out. These areas include: the formation of communication skills with help of discussion groups using, which allow to improve foreign student’ language skills and to conduct an informal communication with representatives of other countries, as well as the students of the host country; application of programs that provide historical and social immersion of foreign students to a new culture, that will reveal the distinctive features of their cultural characteristics and, thus, to accept the differences of the host country, which is necessary for overcoming the effects of culture shock; involvement of foreign students to the preparation of traditional holidays of the host country, which will help to get acquainted with the cultural features of the new society; organization of general education activities where foreign students can get the theoretical information about the host country, hold the discussions with experts and other students and, subsequently, extrapolate this knowledge to the practical flatness during the joint trips, etc.; attracting the foreign senior students who have overcome the effects of culture shock as an experts, because they can explain to the students who have entered the educational institution, what difficulties they will have to face and how the most effectively adapt to the features of the new socio-cultural space.
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