expertise, expert evaluation, general education, innovative methodical competence, inspection evaluation, educational examination, managementAbstract
The essence of expert evaluation as a tool for management of secondary schools has been substantiated. The content of the concepts «expertise», «expert assessment» and «education expert» has been determined. In particular, the education expertise has been offered seen as a tool that provides review, research pedagogical phenomena, processes and problems, the results of pedagogical activity and create information field for the prediction the development of the education system, provide consultative assistance to secondary schools. It has been outlined the specifics of expert assessment in general secondary education. It has been made the classification of methods expert assessment of management objects of educational institutions: individual (interviews, questionnaires, testing) and collective (method commission (production meetings, conferences, seminars, round tables), Delphi method, method of 360º, SWOT-analysis, method abstract evaluation, etc.) groups and subgroups. It has argued the necessity distinction between «diagnosis», «monitoring» and «expertise». It has determined the directions of the expert evaluation of innovative methodological competence of teachers. The phased algorithm of expert assessment in managing of secondary schools has been developed. It consists of identity object evaluation; highlight the main features of the object of the system approach; regulation time parameters; wood construction purposes; selection, evaluation, training of experts and the formation of an expert group; developing and adapting the system of indicators and evaluation criteria; selection and expert assessment research tools; collection and analysis of individual expert assessments; application of methods of obtaining coherent collective expert assessments; formulated recommendations for its practical application and making managerial decision.
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