continuing education, doctor’s competences, doctor’s competence structureAbstract
This article highlights the structure of the doctor’s competence, determined on the basis of scientific and pedagogical studies for the professional competence of health professionals, particularly in its composition determined motivational axiological, cognitive, social, personal and professional-activity components; outlines the features of formation of components of the doctor’s competence at the postgraduate stage, because of its practical orientation regarding obtaining independent clinical experience; defines doctor’s competency components, the formation of which fully possible appears only at the postgraduate stage (socio-personal and professional-activity); emphasizes the sufficiency of axiologic-motivational and cognitive components formation during the undergraduate studies; lists the andragogical principles which is inherent for the adults’ education of certified doctors; disclosed the content of the socio-personal and professional-activity components of the doctors’ competence; states that the social and personal component reflects the ability on creative non-standard resolution of professional problems, intellectual liability, ability to navigate the unpredictable situations of their own activities, including, in the collective and harmonious balancing personal and social needs, making independent decisions and sense of responsibility for them, ability to learn throughout life; professional-activity component reflects the ability of the practical application, obtained in the process of learning, knowledge, existing skills and professional-important qualities directly in terms of the working group, including the time to assist with emergency conditions that are mandatory for doctors of all specialties.
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