state education policy, synergetics, synergetic approach, openness, non-linearity, non-equilibrium, bifurcational state, self-organizationAbstract
The article is dedicated to the problems of formation of the state education policy. The trends of the evolution of views on the nature and the concept of the «state education policy» in the light of the processes of educational reform in Ukraine have been outlined. It has been proved that in the current context of globalization and internationalization, when education acquires the traits of openness and non-linearity, the principles of educational environment management and the nature of the interaction between participants of the educational process are changing, and there is an urgent need to overcome the simplistic and outdated view of the state education policy. Based on the synergetic theory of the complex open systems, there have been substantiated theoretical and methodological grounds of the process of formation of the state education policy. The essence of the application of the synergetic approach to the studied phenom enon has been considered, relying on the basic laws of synergy, openness, non-linearity, disequilibrium, chaos postulating, bifurcational states, fluctuation phenomena and the theory of selforganization. The state education policy has been considered as an open, non-linear system, which is self-organizing and self-developing and depends on the external environment and internal specifics of the development of higher education sphere in Ukraine.
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