higher education, quality of education, quality of higher education, education quality management, principles of education quality managementAbstract
In the article the problem of education quality management was considered in the context of general scientific methodology. The modern tendencies of implementation of higher education quality and quality management in particular, were highlighted. It is shown that the practice of implementation of quality management systems, such as the Total Quality Management, positively affects the organizational, market and financial strategies for the formation of long-term competitive advantages in higher education sphere.
The modern interpretation of the essence and basic principles of education quality management was revealed. The methodological substantiation of the phenomenon of education quality management in the context of general scientific approaches was carried out: systemic, synergistic and acmeological. Such an approach makes it possible to substantiate the quality management as a complex, open system characterized by nonlinearity of transformations, allows to predict its development, proceeding from the development of each individual to the whole system as a whole.
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