artistic and musical creativity, creativity, health, health culture, pupils of general secondary education institutions.Abstract
The article analyzes the phenomenon of musical creativity in the context of preserving the health of students under martial law; It is established that the problem of the influence of creativity, in particular music, on human health remains the subject of scientific research by scientists in various scientific fields. The key concepts of the problem chosen for the article are analyzed, in particular «health», «culture of health», the potential of musical creativity to maintain the health and psycho-emotional state of a person is revealed; It is concluded that for Ukrainian children and youth, whose childhood and youth are disfigured by the war, creative activity in all its manifestations should become support, protection, and a condition for adaptation to life changes. Among the means of preserving the physical, moral, spiritual health of a person, maintaining his psycho-emotional stability in crisis life situations, a prominent place is occupied by creativity, the realization of a person’s own creative potential in various types of creative activity and life creation. Attention is focused on the fact that participation in creative activities gives people the opportunity for emotional expression and regulation, which increases the flexibility of response in stressful situations; It is concluded that that fear interferes with the realization of a person’s creative potential. Art as a type of creative activity can act as a way for a person to compensate for their own shortcomings, which is extremely important in overcoming psycho-emotional disorders of students who have suffered from military aggression, since creative activity in art lessons and in extracurricular collective forms creates an atmosphere of joy, pleasure, trust, heals psycho-emotional health. It has been established that creativity, in particular music, can relieve a person of physical and emotional pain, so the use of music to create a safe educational environment is of great importance.
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